
Why should you come to see me??
I have been practicing for many years and my aim has been to gain as many experiential skills as possible – all aimed to offer a wider range of services.
I have had many years prior to counselling in the HR and Training field both here and overseas. These experiences have never been wasted and have been able to transfer those into the counselling arena. I’m always looking for ways to improve my services to you and I would appreciate any suggestions and/or feedback you may have. Please feel free to contact me either by cell phone or email.
Through the years I have been involved with SADAG who offer an invaluable service on a national basis. Similarly I am involved with ICAS and Careway’s who offer services to the corporate world; SAPS community Policing Trauma Unit offering counselling to victims of crime in the local areas. I have also got experience in dealing with addiction issues specifically substance abuse having working in a rehab for a period of time. This social problem is like as iceberg – it is a massive problem which needs to be addressed but sadly is avoided. Most recently I have been involved with Alzheimer’s Association of South Africa (ASA). Again this is a growing problem with the aging population but which is avoided or unspoken about in most of the communities. My concentration regarding ASA has been on assisting the caregivers of Alzheimer’s as they are the unsung heroes.